I found a great video by Lynnette Zang who’s a critical observer of the financial world that came out a month ago. It’s a great primer and way to catch up with what’s going on in the world’s financial markets. She goes into who’s at fault here and how they’ve been planning the crash for a while now.
Prepare For Change has been well aware of the financial system shenanigans for a LONG time. The earliest versions of the editors focused very much on the financial system crash - hoping that it would be engineered and controlled by White Hats.
Around 2014 the team came up with the Community Leaders briefs, in which their insiders and contactees, had provided a possible course of events related to The Event. The bank crash was always described as an early marker of The Event.
The Event
The Event is considered to be the culmination of solar activities that lead to disclosure of many hidden truths. It’s also triggered by solar events that hit us with gobs of radiation which moves our frequencies to a higher vibration. (Rumor has been that the high levels of solar activity has been occurring this Monday and Tuesday).
The main part of disclosure would be corruption in the governments, banking, and military industrial complex. It would also reveal existence of ETs (we’re not alone in the universe) that have been among the ruling class AND behind the parasitic invasion on this planet for millennia. We’re certainly seeing this now as we are in the year of revelations. Thus, it is no surprise to many of us that the financial system is crashing.
If you’re questioning the ETs part, check out the videos in my previous post. I’ll go into more detail on this at some later point.
Though I’m being humorous about The Event, it’s a serious deal and you can find more detail here.
The question is, is it gonna be hard, or soft, or something in between?
If the plan goes according to the cabal plan, they’d like to see it completely crash and consolidate the wealth meaning the seizure of our assets into the central banks. In the US, this means the Wall Street Banks. Problem is, that those banks are insolvent as well. Lynnette’s interview - which is really done well in easy to understand steps by Michelle Makori, Lead Anchor and Editor-in-Chief at Kitco News at the Vancouver Research Investment Conference in Vancouver held in February - covers that problem. Lynnette sees the good in people, but totally understands that the system is faulty and made to collapse.
In her most aggressive stance, she says that “(the central banks) pick winners and losers.” Ultimately, they’re going to bet on themselves and you and I are to be the losers in this scenario. This scenario is the Great Reset.
SPECIAL NOTE - I created this post on Monday given the news and chatter that came out regarding the financial system. The regular planned post is coming out tomorrow as a follow up to Monday’s report on 5D progress.
The Great Reset is the reset of the monopoly board where everything is bought up and things have to be brought back in and redistributed. In their terms, they’d like to see us “own nothing and be happy.” You know all the memes and players.
In 2016, I knew that this day would come (had known it a few years prior). What was the most key message I could give to presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard when we met? The financial system is a con. Please bone up on the knowledge as you may be in a position to help.
Meeting Tulsi briefly was like meeting a kindred spirit. I have a lot of hope for her.
But why?
The thing that most observers can’t factor in or don’t want to see, is that there’s a clear plan here. The system is designed to fail which Lynette sums up perfectly. But why would they let it fail?
There’s a few reasons for this. Here is author of The Creature from Jekyll Island summing up one aspect.
On top of that, they mostly see us as useless eaters. In addition to that, it’s actually really easy to understand – when you’re able to print money, you control everything. This is the Golden Rule - he who has the gold makes the rules. And the basically have picked up everything of value. Given that they have nothing left to put value against to issue credit, they are simply going to let it all fail and move on to a new fiat system. Biden is in position to create the illusion of incompetence, but he’s got simple orders, let it crash.
As it does crash, the remaining assets on the board will be swept up for pennies on the dollar or for $.30 on the dollar as was the case (approximately) with UBS picking up Credit Swisse on Monday. And that’s even less because it was done in credits - which will be worth less very soon as the fall continues.
When things are picked up and that includes property because there won’t be many jobs in the economy and with sudden hyper-inflation home mortgages will be in default. Quite an elaborate magic trick. Or swindle.
But this is actually another con
In truth, as Benjamin Fulford has been reporting for years, the system is in free-fall. The SIB (Systemically Important Banks) are hanging on by a thread, though a few major ones are insolvent right now and according to Fulford, working out bankruptcy. This includes: Bank of America, Wells Fargo, J P Morgan among Credit Suisse that he had previously reported on and went public this past weekend. They are propping it up but letting it fail as Janet Yellen has said when she proclaimed that there would be no bailouts. No need because the one bit of Dodd Frank remaining is the language of the “bail in.” But there’s another good reason for her statement.
What will save them is the fiat currency of the CBDC - Central Bank Digital Currency. Good for them. Bad as can be, badder than Michael Jackson, run home and smack your mamma in the mouth - BAD for us.
The below is from Benjaminfulford.net
Plus, the Fed - which is a private for profit business owned by several banking families that in turn are the largest stakeholders in the SIB banks, are simply trying to play a new ponzi scheme. This guy sums it up pretty clearly:
Check out my more detailed version on the financial system and how its demise is a tool of planned chaos from our documentary series from 2020 done with Prepare for Change volunteers, “Planned Chaos - Financial War: Power, Corruption”
The Planned Chaos video gives the back story and goal of the establishment of the Central Banks - heavily influenced by two global families; the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. And when the guy in the video talks about who owns everything, they’re a good place to look as they are richer than just about everyone but the Crown and the Vatican.
Where this video goes into is the lengths of what beings will do for control. There’s a simple to understand sociopathy here, they have so much that they lost any compassion along the way. Not that they were that humane to begin with. Much less human according to many.
It should also come as no surprise that the war I’m dedicated to posting about is engineered by these wealthy families and those in their orders who are loyal to them. And their beliefs get very dark. That is to say that they derive power from dark forces. That had been, until now.
Context for us
All of the financial turmoil has a point and as frontline warriors on the battlefield of truth, it’s crucial to be aware of who the enemy is.
So now what?
For the new 5D world to come in, the old 3D system has to go out. It is hoped that we can get through this change quickly and as painlessly as possible. But it might be here for a while.
The message that we’re hearing from higher ups is that we need to create the alternative system to the banking system. We need to act locally. We need to be prepared for this change. That means:
Have food for at least a month
Have energy or back up power
Have water
Have cash on hand
Get some gold, silver
Get to know your neighbors
Consider your security
Make a communications plan
Learn self-sufficiency
I’m not trying to be a harbinger of fear. I’m offering up knowledge to assist us in the case that this goes down as the cabal sees it. I also heartily am prepared for White Hats to come in and assist. I’d love to see the alternative plan play out. I’d love to see Jesus steam into the temple and throw over the tables of the bankers again! But as a hedge, this becomes a moment of real consequence, not pie-in-the-sky theory. And this is a moment for us that we have been waiting for. We are the change we want. So, as the Law of Action dictates:
There’s been many in our community who’ve gone through the RV, GCR, Nesara/Gesara scenarios. I’ve seen first hand some of the plans of the Golden Dragons. I’ve talked many times with Benjamin Fulford and understand his positions regarding the White Dragons desires. We were close to White House informers during the Trump admin. I’d been asked to attend the Pope’s Vatican conference on the new economy in 2020 through Jesuit contacts and the Order of the Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi. I am very up to date on the claims of Kim Goguen. I’ve seen hand written notes of the money magick system and gematria coded therein, (handwritten since the information is not allowed to be put into computers). I’ve seen documents linked to historic assets and the accounts of famous historical figures. As such, I am open to the possibility of a “soft landing” and the hope that this resolves itself. I know that the universe is infinite, BUUUUTTTTTTTTTT…….
I have also seen many claims in this arena of what’s out there, what’s gonna happen and who’s going to save us, and many varying versions of “the truth.” A large part of my perspective is that we’re living in a collective consciousness and as such, where the critical factor of us are at, is where the majority of us will be at, at some point in time. That time might be soon or later.
Still I am positive
I am bullish on a positive future. But I’ve always contended that the future is shaped by us and our consciousness of what our reality is. This is another, good in theory but WTF in practice moment.
It is possible that we drag ourselves through some painful moments in the near future. And it is possible that this all triggers a final push to expose the criminals. For sure, it is “go time” in regards to the global financial system crash.
There’s a big part of me, that knows that everything happens for a reason and that I am at exactly the right point I’m supposed to be at. Recent communications from higher ups note that we humanity are comfortable with our pain. We are comfortably numb.
“Hello, is there anybody in there?”
It is us who have to push forward and sort this mess out. There’s another recent message that’s coming fast and hard, and that’s to be self-sustainable.
I encourage you to try this mind exercise: Imagine that the bank system is gone tomorrow. It’s gone for a month. It’s now been gone for 30-days.
In those periods of time, how do you think the situation unfolds itself? Will it be clean? Is there going to be peace in your neighborhood? Is there going to be a lot of protests? Are you seeing what’s happening in France right now? Netherlands had an incredible win over government where a people’s farmers led party won the majority of their legislature.
There will, at least in my world, be very good things coming out of this, if not for a short or extended period of chaos.
In theory, I’ve talked about this a bit, with small groups. This is an opportunity where good can rise. Positive community leaders can take control and calm people down. That’s what the Community Leaders Brief asks for. Perhaps the better in people will come out. Maybe we’ll see disclosure.
In Benjamin’s world, there is a White Hat alliance that is mopping up the garbage and taking out the trash. In Kim’s world, she’s taken control of the global repository and has been saying that she’s been systematically choking out the Order of the Black Sun members and generals (including the Pentagon, and global banksters). Many patriots speak of Guantanamo Bay proceedings and things happening behind the scenes. I see lots of boots and masks on public figures and actors.
If these reports are accurate, and I’m hopeful that they are, then there are people working for our best interests. If you and I and all the sources that are involved in this fight are doing what they say they are, then we have enough people as per my previous article on swaying group consciousness of humanity to create the change we are looking for.
If all that is the case, then we need to keep informing others and preparing ourselves for this momentous change that is upon us.
I hope that you’re remaining cool headed and have some control over your emotions. We are all going to need to have some level of mastery over them in this critical juncture.
At the very least, in respect to our calls for self-reliance, from the list above, you and I are part of the community we need to have at this moment.
This message is really important to integrate into your thinking.
You know, it might be that in our version of reality, we’re gonna be fine and go through our everyday lives seeing little of the pain that others might be going through. This was pointed out to me by guides at different points of the pandemic and shortages that came with runs on toilet paper and gas. I went about my day pretty normally albeit fairly sheltered at home. When I ventured out, I was kinda zen and found things as I normally would. But I was aware that others were having issues. I traveled freely and was scarcely harassed. It was kinda weird, as though I was in a different reality.
Don’t get me wrong, I have struggles and things seem to be foisted on me at times. But I also have a sense of being shielded. A lot of good things happen to me and I’m experiencing lots of synchronicities. There’s a lot of very 5D things happening in my life right now.
So, I will take the positive version of the path right now regarding this financial debacle. It’s the Dork Side being dorky again. This “snapping” back into balance is going to happen and it can be very quickly. But it is destined to happen.
I hope you stay well in this period. Please try your best to spread the message. Use the Lynnette video to share with your family and friends. It’s a message given from her heart and she’s got years and stacks of data to back it up.
What they will try to do is lie and say it’s all fine up until the moment that it isn’t. Has Janet Yellen said that this is “transitory” as well? They get paid by their team that they think are going to be winners so they’re “all in.” The losers that they are.
Let’s look at this moment as an opportunity to create the new society or restoration as we want it to play out. We may need to walk away from their system. But we can make something new and better. We can say “no thanks” to their lunacy. And somebody please show Janet the door.
LATE BREAKING ADDITIONS - According to Kim Goguen’s report on Monday, banks money is at risk and they might be allowed to fail – BUT CONSUMERS MONEY WILL NOT BE AT RISK. Her claim is that she controls the Alpha system, so that has removed dark essence from the previous system. She further claims that if money is taken out by the banks or any agents, that it can’t be redeposited because they have no more access to transaction codes. We’ll find out soon as the Dork Forces are in active mode. One thing that corroborates her claim is that Tiers 2, 3, and 4 have been removed from the system and that all banks are now Tier 1. I believe that UBS or the Credit Suisse transactions became Tier 1 in the acquisition.
Her report also stated that Central banks were trying to drain the regional banks. But she won’t allow it. She also said that the money that went to backstop SVB was due to her and their decision to not let it fail.
I’ll also add that PFC was aware that certain royals offered previously to backstop the US debt but had been ignored by Yellen. She is reportedly an agent of the Order of the Black Sun and has no intention to do anything other than help the Order and follow her orders. Those orders are to crash the system.
With that, keep paying attention and let’s hope that this spring equinox has provided the victory of the light.
And now, here’s a cute video of a penguin.