A Hub at the Intersection of Everything
Prepare for Change is a searchable database for many perspectives
There’s a meme that exists that calls 2022 the year of the conspiracy theorist. And another one that shows how many “conspiracy theories” came true recently.
Here it is
And another version
Now, if you share the perspective that we do – either members of the awakening community vs. those who are woke, readers of Naradigm Shift, or members of Prepare for Change (among others) – you know that we’ve been out on the edge, literally trying to prepare people for change.
The change has been kicked into high gear and the public since the pandemic was released. But we all know that the pandemic is only a part of the coordinated or Planned Chaos that was to lead to the New World Order and one world government.
I contend that the UFO focus along with the eminent financial crash and in the US, the cases against Trump will lead to massive disclosures. These disclosures if you’re on the awakening side, will only add fuel to the revelations. So, it will be that you’ll find yourself involved in more conversations with the person who’s trying to figure out (finally) what’s going on.
I found myself speaking to one such person recently. This person was aware of the erosion of civility and was seeing a general change in values. In other similar conversations, I try to move the person off of the left vs. right paradigm, but depending on the investment into the conversation, it is tough to do. I generally succeed but I have many tools at my disposal. There’s usually something I can find that we agree on. What I’ve been writing about here for the past 6 months are any number of topics that are seedlings for a larger conversation.
Here's an example
The idea that politics is the intersection to things that matter to everyone is a given. Either people love their politician or hate them, or despise some other person. We can agree on several factors: they all make loads of money and leave politics richer (when they’re not supposed to make that much as it’s a public service), they’re all corrupt, they all have handlers, too many are old and act senile, and when was the last time one did anything to benefit you or people outside of their class. It’s increasingly obvious that they work for the banks, Wall Street, and the military industrial complex.
Similarly, a semi observant person would know that the climate agenda is a scam. But that takes more weapons to debate. Although there is this a cogent answer to the debate:
My point is, that you have to find areas of consensus.
In this recent conversation, I went into the Fed not being a government entity and it being a privately owned, for profit business which is run as a cartel. If you want to have this debate, this video is great at explaining it. My 13-yr old understood the situation after watching the video.
Watch the above video on YouTube and check out all 10 episodes of Mike Maloney describing the secrets of money from a historical perspective. It’s all magick.
Find ways to agree
People always are concerned about money and taxes and US debt.
Increasingly, Americans are opposed to sending money abroad and are just beginning to see the corruption in the Ukraine. That’s another place to point out. But still, likely too sensitive for many.
So, there’s always some way into agreement and then you can maybe dig deeper.
You’re doing well, if you get someone to ask you about a topic. But, you’ll need your research or support points. That’s where prepareforchange.net is an incredible resource.
Prepareforchange.net has a searchable database
You can find multiple articles on these topics and if you’re lucky, you’ll find support documents in many of the articles. Or you’ll find whistleblower testimony. Or you’ll find the press releases of research groups or government regulators – you know, actual facts. Try looking up some abstract topic and you’ll be on a good path to discovery on many outsider topics.
PFC is an incredible resource of all these topics! We have almost 10 years of thoughtfully collated articles of esoteric research and news. What are thought of as conspiracies too.
In one of the statements made in the alien interrogation video I shared this week found here, the being who claimed to be us from the future (whether you believe the being in the video is real or not) makes the cognizant claim that we need to protect our democracy from the rejection of objective facts.
We need to protect our democracy from the rejection of objective facts.
Subjective relates to personal viewpoints, experiences, or perspectives, whereas objective refers to factual data that is not influenced by personal beliefs or biases. This attempt to validate children’s feelings rather than teach them to think logically for themselves is affecting our whole society and this is by design. I’ll refer you again to the Protocols of the learned elders of Zion for their summaries on how to infiltrate and capture society. They’re near to the capture part if we don’t defend logic.
So, having well researched proofs from deep intel and credible sources is key in the information and perception battles. Prepare for Change can be utilized as a historic surveyor of this period of change. Of course, we know that this is a plan, and we’ve been placed to reveal these truths. PFC will hold on to a legacy in this regard.
Trump said that he needed to show them
Those that rally alongside the patriots and white hats believe that we’re nearing the time to release the kraken. This might be so as people are getting ready for something to hit, they expect the market crash. Some expect the Trump hearings to give ample opportunity to relitigate the 2020 election.
Some believe the whole election was put on hold – you know those versions of the story. They speak of imposed martial law and marked ballots and Space Force maintaining true records of the US vote. Then there’s the versions of Ground Command and others intervention and even Galactic Federation intervention scenarios. If they come to pass, we’ll see. Any are possible, which ones are most probable? I do believe that there are many so-called military white hats, but whether they gain perspective that they might be being used is another thing. White hats are also an aspect of the Magi or magicians in free masonry. As is MAGA.
For certain, it is all for show, and there is a great show going on right now. If we don’t expose these criminals for who they are, then we’re allowing another cycle of similar rule. Whether of globalists, or nationalists or Scotish rite masons vs. York rite masons vs. P3 Lodge of the Vatican vs. Grand Orient Lodge in Paris – everyone wants to rule the world.
We have to work together
However the path plays out, we know that we’re on a new course. As I’ve often said, will it manifest sooner or later and with how much “pain.” This all depends on working together and traversing the separations between us all. We need to mind the gap. We need to bridge the gap and work together.
In that spirit, I have this video of strangers coming together to help an innocent in need. Great stuff and a great example of how people can come together.
Stay well. Be blessed. Enjoy the end of the Lion’s Gate portal and meditate on the positive things that could have come from this past week.
Thank you for the positive! Love the t-shirts. I don't wear t-shirts, but really pertinent!